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/ Success Tips In Doing Installation Games In Windows 7
Success Tips In Doing Installation Games In Windows 7
Notifikasi Penting
Maaf, UnlimitSoft mengalami sedikit masalah internal, dan tidak terupdate. Dipindahkan sementara ke
In installing the game are the people who are not successful because there was some mistake, either the original game or the result of fraud. But the installation there are several techniques that are often necessary to make the installation a success and be able to play the game.
Games that I show here is only an example, and I use the game Crysis.
consider some of these tips, it is possible that many of you already know, if any of you know any more please add more later in the comments section, to help others, and sharing.
1. The first way.
You can right click on the installation file playing, then "Run as Administrator".
2. The second way.
You can right click on the game installation file and select "Properties" and then the tab "Compatibility".
You can check the "Run this program in compability mode for:" the mode dropdown select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" and then "Ok" or "Apply"
3. The third way.
Please type the following words: "systempropertiesperformance" in the search box your Windows 7 Start Button. Then the tab "Data Execution Prevention" Then add the game program, "Apply" or "Ok".
That's all of my tips, hopefully can add insight you all, myself included, please add that you know a lot more to share.
dapat Anda baca di bawah ini atau tambahkan satu.
Tips sukses dalam melakukan permainan pada instalasi windows 7 seperti ini sangat membantu bagi kita yang belum paham tentang hal ini masbro... Thank you infonya..
wah kalau pake bahasa inggris saya g bisa koment apa-apa nih sobat...? saya nggak ngerti.. saya suport aja sob.. yah walaupun sedikit kecewa karena g tau maksut artikelnya hikz..hikz..hikz..
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saya translate ke bahasa jawa ya sob ???
ReplyDeletesilakan sob.. :D
Deletewah kebetuan saya sudah mengerti.. :D
ReplyDeletehihi bagus donk sob, kagak ingung2an lagi.. :D
Deletewahh dan kebetulan jg nihh saya nggk ngerti bahasa inggris gmna dong ? hehe :D
Deletehihi masuk aja ke gogel teranlet men... :D
Deletekalo di google translate bahasanya agak acak adul semrawut hehe :D
Deletehehe iya juga sih ada engine yg gk bisa menerjemahkan. :))
Deleteke guru bahasa inggris aja heheh :D
Deletehihi ngejemput dulu donk,, hihi pake kamus aja deh,,, biarin aja gagap2 dikit.. xixixi
DeleteNice Post Guys
ReplyDeleteDon't Forget To Comment Back :D
yoi men..
DeleteTips sukses dalam melakukan permainan pada instalasi windows 7 seperti ini sangat membantu bagi kita yang belum paham tentang hal ini masbro... Thank you infonya..
ReplyDeletehihi iya masbro.. :D supaya lebih paham, walau dikit.
Deletewih, unlimitsoft sekarang "go international" cayoooo
ReplyDeletehihihiyy kagak bro. cuman rujukan aja biar mau di aprove ki google adsense hehehe..
DeleteDari cri"a kelihatan nch mau daftar Googke Adsense ... Sma kya Limit Post ....
ReplyDeletewhhaha ktauan deh.. :D
Deleteasyik nh,,keahlianku bahasa inggris
ReplyDelete#bercanda, , , , ,
hihi silakan masbro diujui klihaian bahasa inggeris nya.. heheh
Deletekamus mana kamus.. wkwkwkwk
ReplyDeletehaha kamus yg kecilan aja juga cukup men. tapi kalo gk bawa ada tuh kamus di google translate.. :)
Deletewalaupun nggk saya ngeti tapi tetep bagus artikelnya hehhe :D
ReplyDeleteihihi nah si om faham nih.. biar gk ngeri ttep nyupport.. :D
Deletehahah iyaa dong :3
Deleteheheh kalo gitu makaciihh.. ihihi :jadul
Deletesamo samo haha
Deleteeheh si om beda nih namanya sama yg di gogel+ disana namanya si Nyonya. :))
Deletesaya translet dulu ya mas..hehehe
ReplyDeletesilakan bro.. :D
Deletegimana nih caranya masuk ke unlimitosft beta+ o.O
ReplyDeletehuuuu rahasia.. :D hihihi ntar kalo member udah ditambah,, ckckkk nyantai aja dulu om.. \o/
ReplyDeletewadaw sign up-nya panjaaaaaaaannnggggg >.<
Deletesstt kagak kok.. :D
Deletemin, unlimitsoft beta+ nya kok gk dibuat ada threadnya, kan rame, tapi keren loh tampilannya pas baru masuk. hahahaha
ReplyDeletelhaa?? kok pake alamat unlimitsoft den?
Deletewidih tau lu ye ne gw. wkwkwk
Deletepantesan tadi logout bentar.. wkwkwk elu toh make.
Deletesign up nya kagak bisa nih?
Deletebisa broo.. system reupdate.. :D hihih
Deletewah kalau pake bahasa inggris saya g bisa koment apa-apa nih sobat...? saya nggak ngerti.. saya suport aja sob.. yah walaupun sedikit kecewa karena g tau maksut artikelnya hikz..hikz..hikz..
ReplyDeletecup cup cup.. jgn nangis mas.. sini tak lapin air matanya.. :D hihihi
Deletehihi bole2 aja sob..
ReplyDeletewaduh, udah mulai go international nih postingannya?
ReplyDeletewaah keren nich postingannya kang pakau bahasa sehari hari saya,,,hehehe,,,sekalian saya follow blognya,,,ditunggu follbacknya kang
ReplyDeleteOoo, thanks.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha *gak tau maksudnya. :D
absen aja sambil support,
ReplyDeleteabis ga ngerti bahasanya
salam sukses selalu
seldom I feel difficult to install the game too..
ReplyDeletethanks a lot for your nice sharing, happy blogging..:}(hihi..bener ga yah bahasanya..)
weh...tutor baru nih sobat :)
ReplyDeletengga ngerti bahasanya hahaha :D
ReplyDeleteyoi gan.