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The Danger is to Submit Blog too Often and Much

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Submit Blog

Many of the bloggers who are first (novice) in doing so inspired by their Blogging Blog / Web them to enter or penetrate quickly into the search engine index.
From this they often do submit Blog to various submitter, both famous and still popular, so they want to submit to the 1000, 2000, 3000, or more to penetrate into the search engine.

This is the wrong way in the algorithm Seacr Engine Google, because if we do too much blog sumbit, we may be exposed to Ban from Google itself, or a decline in popularity, and it could be the loss of the index of the search engine, it would be very detrimental for those who have blog, both long-and still new.

Remember to perform excessive submit your blog will be exposed to a penalty from Google, the results are missing index your blog. That was you guys want to get in Google's index but instead will disappear. Especially for those of you who do Submit again.

So my message is, if you want to submit, do it in moderation and regular, but if you're already famous blog you probably do not need to submit it again.

44 comments dapat Anda baca di bawah ini atau tambahkan satu.

  1. wow kenapa pake bahasa inggris gan? ane jadi bingung.. wkwkwkwk :D

  2. Sep,termasuk artikel internasional ne sob.
    kan pkk bahasa inggris.

  3. waduh, pake b inggris, gak mudeng aku..

    1. hihihi sabarr sabar om.. cuman beberapa artikel. :D

  4. sekarang postingan pake bhs inggris,
    ijin nyimak aja

    1. heheh cuman smentara aja sob, gk permanent.. :D wehwehweh

  5. Ini pakai bahasa inggris mau ke GA sob?

  6. walah, apa nih artinya sob? wkwkwk maklum sob, bukan blogger pinter bahasa inggris

    1. hihi pointnya, jangan submit blog terlalu berlebihan, karena berakibat hilang indeks dari om gugel. :D

  7. wah nggak mudeng bahasa inggris sob heheh cuma bisa dikit dikitt :D

  8. Oh.. jadi jika kita terlalu sering men submit sangat berbahaya bagi blog dan bisa kena baned gitu ya gan..

  9. Ckckckckck, ada terjemahannya gk?

    1. ke google translate aje sob.. heheh, soalnya file nya gk disave.. :D

  10. Betul banget bang jangan terlalu sering mensubmit kalau pun mau mensubmit kebeberapa direc submit harus dikasih jeda waktu dan itu pun kita harus liat juga PR dari direc submit tersebut kalau PR dia cuman 1 kan percuma kalau bisa cari yang PR nya agak tinggi karena banyak sekarang direcsubmit yang baru muncul dan ber PR rendah dari cuman 1 sampai PR 2 saja..heee.

  11. Waduh sob saya tidak terlalu paham bahasanya....

  12. Replies
    1. you can tranlate in google translt. hohoh enjoy men.

  13. Klau pake bhasa kya gni Admin Limit Post ahlinya ...

    Penasaran, lebih baik Copas di Google Translate az,biar pham sdikit",hehehe

  14. hihihih Ane gk ngerti
    MAmpir Balik Gan :D

  15. waduh ampundech sob kalau artikelnya udah pake bahasa inggris...? g mudeng saya hahahaha

  16. makasih sob, mbah gugel nya cemburu di dua'in tuh...hehe

    1. hehe bner.. :D sms'in aja supaya jgn sering cembur2 gk baik. :)

  17. backlinkers.. backlinkers every.
    I think that happens to copy-paste posts and always show similar themes for another blog. You know,, there are more 100 posts talking about free download idm and same software reviews. Thats the main reason, i said.

    1. maybe thats right, but i say about submit and submitter.. :D

      problem for baclinkers, and more post about free download, crack, idm, reviews, etc, I think it is as an addition to their traffic, or to the popularity of their pages.

      This blog also contains things like that. : D

  18. hahahah. ini kenapa nie, lagi kemasukan apa? tapi ok lah. btw emang yang di maksud submit berkali kali gimana maksudnya? ane belum paham? kalau cuma masukin sitemap, itu submit bukan?

    1. submit disini dimaksudkan ke submit blog, misal melakukan submit yang berlebihan, seperti sehari saja sudah kebeberapa situs submitter blog., contoh slogannya situs submitter (sy gk bri adressnya ya takut nyinggung): Submit Your Blog to 2000+ Directories.

      nah situs yg seperti itu,, kalo submit sitemap mah aman2 aja bro.. :D itu kan untuk struktur blog.. :D


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